Apps & Things

Hey guys! I thought I’d post about some of the apps and things that I use to keep track of food, workouts, etc. Hopefully you find these helpful 🙂

MyFitnessPal – An excellent app to keep food of calories throughout the day. You get to set everything about yourself (age, height, weight, etc.) and then it helps come up with goals. Every person is different, but mine has me at 1,940 calories per day. It has most food and excersizes already in it to choose from, or you can add your own. Also, you can add people to be your friends – it helps keep you motivated! My username is sleslie27 if you want to add me 🙂

Pacer – This one is pretty self-explanatory. It pretty much just counts step, but it also connects to MyFitnessPal to track the calories burned by just your everyday walking.

C25K® – I haven’t started on this one yet, though I have dabbled in it in the past. It’s basically a running trainer that starts with very simple workouts and then gets to harder ones until you can run a 5k!

Instagram – You might laugh, but having an Instagram account dedicated to weight loss has been really nice! I have already connected with some people. It’s great because a lot of people post their workouts on there as well as recipes and motivation. If you’d like to, you can follow me – my username is leslielosesweight

Obviously these aren’t the only apps you can use, but they’re the ones I find most helpful and the ones you can connect with me on.

Have  a great day everyone 🙂

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